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—————————— [Udemy-2022 ] | Different Courses Packed in One | [MEGA] ——————————
- AlgoExpert - Become an Algorithms Expert.
- AlgoExpert - Data structures Crash Course.
- C# Console And Windows Forms Development With LinQ And Add.net*.
- Complete NodeJS Course With express,* socket.io and MongoDB.
- Computer Science 101 Master Theory Behind Programming.
- Connect and Interface Rasberry Pi and Anduino.
- CSS Basic To Advance for Front And Development.
- Java Collection Framework + Generic, Lambdas and Stream API.
- Java from zero To First job Part 1- Practical guide. -
Microsoft SQL server Development for everyone.- Object-Oriented Programming - From Basic to Advance (Java).
- Programming Network Applications In Java.
Size - 47GB
Download links - *https://mega.nz/folder/Y00xUbhB*|
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- AlgoExpert - Data structures Crash Course.
- C# Console And Windows Forms Development With LinQ And Add.net*.
- Complete NodeJS Course With express,* socket.io and MongoDB.
- Computer Science 101 Master Theory Behind Programming.
- Connect and Interface Rasberry Pi and Anduino.
- CSS Basic To Advance for Front And Development.
- Java Collection Framework + Generic, Lambdas and Stream API.
- Java from zero To First job Part 1- Practical guide. -
Microsoft SQL server Development for everyone.- Object-Oriented Programming - From Basic to Advance (Java).
- Programming Network Applications In Java.
Size - 47GB
Download links - *https://mega.nz/folder/Y00xUbhB*|
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