24-03-23, 12:45 PM (This post was last modified: 24-03-23, 01:14 PM by @zapedios.)
Hello, I bring you a mining virus that I found on the internet. It is a silent miner capable of creating injectables to silently mine with various cryptos to choose from. It is quite simple to use and if you want to sneak it into someone, use your head a bit.
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Native and .NET - Miner installer/injector and watchdog coded in C#, Shellcode loader/injector coded in C, miner requires .NET Framework 4.5 .
Shellcode - All parts of .NET C# are converted to shellcode and injected using a native C loader, this can be disabled.
Injection (silent/hidden) - Hides the miner behind another process like explorer.exe, conhost.exe, svchost.exe and others.
Idle Mining - Can be configured to mine on different CPU and GPU usage or not at all while the computer is or is not in use.
Stealth - Pauses the miner and clears the GPU memory while any of the programs in the "Stealth Targets" option is open.
Watchdog - Monitors the miner file and replaces the file if it is removed and starts it if the injected miner is closed.
Multiple miners - You can create multiple miners to run at the same time, for example an XMR (CPU) miner and an ETH (GPU) miner.
Mining on CPU and GPU - You can mine on both CPU and GPU (Nvidia and AMD).
Bypass Windows Defender - You can add exclusions in Windows Defender to avoid detection.
Process Killer - Constantly checks for programs in the "Kill Targets" list and kills them if found.
Remote Configuration - You can get the miner configuration remotely from a specified URL every 100 minutes.
Web Panel Support - It has support to monitor and configure all miners efficiently in an online web panel.