24-09-24, 12:11 PM
r2.com.vc 💻 530.000 users | full dump 🌐 Brasil 🗒 CSV 🔍 COMPANY INFO: R2 is certified to ensure that every event is an opportunity to advance a future that is more sustainable and equitable. As a compromise firm working within our ODS goals at ONU, we are at the forefront of the revolution and not an event organizer. 🆔INLINES: id uuid hash cpf senha email nome sexo nascimento telefone necessidade estrangeiro interesses estricoes foto facebook google google2fa ativo avulso cadastro atualizacao cep expiracao 🆔INLINES_2:{ "Documento": "02788469128", "Nome": "ANA PAULA GOMES GUDIN", "DataNascimento": "21/10/1988", "Escolaridade": "", "Sexo": "Feminino", "Enderecos": [], "Telefones": [ { "TipoTelefone": 0, "Numero": "6133273043", "DataAtualizacao": ""2024-05-07T00:00:00" }, { "TipoTelefone": 0, "Numero": "6181277672", "DataAtualizacao": "2024-04-06T00:00:00" } ], "Emails": [ { "Email": "[email protected]" } ], "AtividadeProfissional": "", "RendaPresumida": "999,99", "Cargo": "", "Mensagem": "Transacao realizada com sucesso!", "Status": true, "Transacao": { "Status": true, "CodigoStatus": "G000M001", "CodigoStatusDescricao": "Transacao realizada com sucesso" }} 🔴Price: 1.300 $ (base + access to DB) 🔴For sample @Lionishacker on Tele7gram also visit the channel @Databaseonesell WE ALSO PROVIDE OUR CLIENT TARGETED SITE PENTESTING AND DATA DUMPING ON YOUR REQUEST , MESSAGE US , DONT WAIT TO GET AN OPPORTUNITY TO GRAB A SITE WE ARE HERE TO FULFILL YOUR PENTESTING REQUIREMENTS