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1613 DOCUMENTS Essential Terminal Commands For Ethical Hacking On Linux And Parrot Os
Whether you find yourself navigating through the Linux environment or the security-focused Parrot OS, these commands serve as your foundational tools on the path to mastering ethical hacking techniques.

1. **Navigation and File Operations - Lost in the Shell** 🌲

- `ls`: Lists directory contents
- `cd`: Changes the current directory
- `pwd`: Prints the working directory
- `mkdir`: Creates a new directory
- `touch`: Generates an empty file
- `cp`: Copies files and directories
- `mv`: Moves or renames files and directories
- `rm`: Deletes files and directories

2. **File Manipulation and Viewing - Words on the Screen** 📄

- `cat`: Displays file contents
- `nano` or `vim`: Text editors for file creation and editing
- `less` or `more`: Permits viewing file contents page by page
- `grep`: Hunts for specific text patterns within files

3. **Process Management - The Machinery Inside** ⚙️

- `ps`: Shows running processes
- `top`: Monitors system processes in real-time
- `kill`: Terminates a process
- `bg` and `fg`: Manages background and foreground processes

4. **Network and Connectivity - Networking Grin** 😁

- `ifconfig` or `ip`: Views or configures network interfaces
- `ping`: Tests network connectivity to a host
- `netstat`: Displays network statistics
- `nmap`: Conducts network scanning and port mapping

5. **System Information and Monitoring - The Watchful Eye** 👁️

- `uname`: Reveals system information
- `df` and `du`: Tracks disk space usage
- `free`: Exhibits memory usage
- `htop`: Offers an interactive process viewer and system monitor

6. **Package Management - The Angel's Offering** 👼

- `apt` or `apt-get`: Commands for package management, including installation, updates, and removal of software packages

7. **User Management - The Sleepy Gatekeeper** 😴

- `sudo`: Enables command execution as the superuser
- `useradd`: Appends new users
- `userdel`: Removes users
- `passwd`: Facilitates user password changes

8. **Permissions and Security - The Sentry's Call** ❗

- `chmod`: Alters file permissions
- `chown`: Changes file ownership
- `ufw` or `iptables`: Configures firewall rules
- `ssh`: Grants secure access to remote servers

Remember, mastering these commands constitutes the initial stride toward becoming a skilled ethical hacker. Practice is the key, so experiment with these commands within your Linux or Parrot OS environment to build confidence and familiarity. 🚀🔐

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