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226Over 3.3 Billion unique emails from public leaks and combos
Hello DarkForums Community,
Today I have uploaded the emails from public leaks collection for you to download, thanks for reading and enjoy!
Well, it started last year, when, for the sake of interest, I combined combos on the forum to determine the percentage of unique data. At that moment, I managed to collect a collection of data from more than 6.7kkk of unique email:pass data, some of which I published, and some of which remained unpublished (There was no filehost to post 200+GB of shit and not worry about reuploads). After about six months, I put the collection back together and increased the number of unique lines to 7.5kkk, and I came up with the idea to extract only emails from there and clear all this from duplicates. It was not an easy and long task, but in short, I rented several VDS servers, split the file into parts, cleaned up duplicates and trash domains and extracted 3.392.540.444 unique emails. If you are interested in the regex that I used, then this is -  "\b[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_\+]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+\.[a-zA-Z]+\b" (without ") . This is exactly the regex that Troy Hunt used or is using when adding

emails to HIBP - [Image: ryRgM2sO.png]

Speaking of Troy Hunt.

I hope that he will first pay attention to this collection, analyze it and add it to HIBP by politely specifying the username of the person who spent almost a week on this shit as source. And second, I hope he finally corrects his mistake in his description of the "Zadig & Voltaire" leak ("data brach" looks funny, lol)

[Image: WgtA.png]
All Credit of this Leak Goes to Addka72424
Well, in that case, I have bad news - those to whom you entrusted the data did a poor job of protecting them and your data is public, because I specifically didn't use a single private leak for this experiment, and therefore absolutely all of this data can be found in public ;-/ However, this does not mean that it's over. Just change passwords on important websites and add 2FA there so that no one steals your precious data ;)  . Good luck!
Also, if by some miracle it gets into the media, then I want to note that I did it for research purposes in order to study and show the real volumes of public data.After all, where else will you see the emails of about one in four inhabitants of our planet? Okay, that sounded too pretentious. You'll be able to see even more at HIBP, especially if Troy Hunt adds it there, so I'm waiting. Good luck and have a nice day!

PS: Maybe in the future I will update the collection and add more data here, but I think it will happen in at least a year. After all, it's been a hard week and I want to rest.

Dowload Link :

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