Philippines Comelec Voter database 2016
The Philippines Voter database was submitted by @rockwellrock in 2018 but originally leaked in 2016 containing around 70 million resident's voter information indicated below and much more. This data was gathered from Comelec ( including admin login data. This database was apparently encrypted but has been decrypted an donly 0.08% of the data remains encrypted 99% is available on the download. The list contains virtually everyone 18+ which resides in Philippines or has voted there before and lives abroad now with addresses abroad.
size: 5.5G
year: 2016
55M voters
Compromised data: Voter IDs, Full Names, Physical Addresses, Previous Addresses, Date of Birth, Genders, Voter Status, Voter History, Government ID Information, Admin Usernames and Passwords, Voter's Height, Voter's Marital Information, Voter's Email Addresses, Voter's Parents Information, Voter's Profession
Download contains the following tables/databases (with row counts):
webvs_primary_7therb (primary voter registration table)
web_id_onhand (biometric and id details a subset of primary table)
web_id_disapproved (voter detail for removed/disapproved)
overseas_absentee_all (voter detail for overseas voters with biometrics/passport details)
new_id_released (voter detail with biometrics/gov id etc)
dbadmin_users (admin user id/login details)
geo_codes (geographic codes used in voter tables (village,city,province)
fum_users (election worker user id/login details)
embassy_country_codes (foreign country/embassy codes used in voter tables
code tables (lookup table for other codes (registration type,disapproval reason,biometric codes)
absentee scratch (additional overseas absentee records)
webvs_primary_data_errors (election system tally/details of any records needing a fix)
The Philippines Voter database was submitted by @rockwellrock in 2018 but originally leaked in 2016 containing around 70 million resident's voter information indicated below and much more. This data was gathered from Comelec ( including admin login data. This database was apparently encrypted but has been decrypted an donly 0.08% of the data remains encrypted 99% is available on the download. The list contains virtually everyone 18+ which resides in Philippines or has voted there before and lives abroad now with addresses abroad.
size: 5.5G
year: 2016
55M voters
Compromised data: Voter IDs, Full Names, Physical Addresses, Previous Addresses, Date of Birth, Genders, Voter Status, Voter History, Government ID Information, Admin Usernames and Passwords, Voter's Height, Voter's Marital Information, Voter's Email Addresses, Voter's Parents Information, Voter's Profession
Download contains the following tables/databases (with row counts):
webvs_primary_7therb (primary voter registration table)
web_id_onhand (biometric and id details a subset of primary table)
web_id_disapproved (voter detail for removed/disapproved)
overseas_absentee_all (voter detail for overseas voters with biometrics/passport details)
new_id_released (voter detail with biometrics/gov id etc)
dbadmin_users (admin user id/login details)
geo_codes (geographic codes used in voter tables (village,city,province)
fum_users (election worker user id/login details)
embassy_country_codes (foreign country/embassy codes used in voter tables
code tables (lookup table for other codes (registration type,disapproval reason,biometric codes)
absentee scratch (additional overseas absentee records)
webvs_primary_data_errors (election system tally/details of any records needing a fix)