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#1 Data Breach
‎ ‎ ‎‎‎
More than 1,000 restaurants, bars, independent hotels and groups use TastyCloud digital menus to support their growth.
TastyCloud is a digital menu that increases the average ticket and renews the customer experience at the restaurant.
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In December 2024, suffered a data breach which led to the exposure of 3.7 Million lines of data.
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Breached by @888
‎format: json
users: 52066 ‎ ‎‎‎

The Compromised Data Includes:
ID, First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Phone Number, Company Name and Invoices.
‎ ‎ ‎‎‎

        "id": "9UNIKLARR",
        "first_name": "Sarah",
        "last_name": "Bartolomei",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "phone": "+33 6 82 73 64 39",
        "company": "UNI-K LARROSOIR",
        "invoices": [
                "id": "202406-365",
                "customer_id": "9UNIKLARR",
                "subscription_id": "19876685602",
                "recurring": true,
                "status": "paid",
                "price_type": "tax_exclusive",
                "date": 1718402400,
                "due_date": 1718402400,
                "net_term_days": 0,
                "exchange_rate": 1,
                "total": 27552,
                "amount_paid": 27552,
                "amount_adjusted": 0,
                "write_off_amount": 0,
                "credits_applied": 0,
                "amount_due": 0,
                "paid_at": 1718663676,
                "updated_at": 1718663676,
                "resource_version": 1718663676644,
                "deleted": false,
                "object": "invoice",
                "first_invoice": true,
                "amount_to_collect": 0,
                "round_off_amount": 0,
                "new_sales_amount": 27552,
                "has_advance_charges": false,
                "currency_code": "EUR",
                "base_currency_code": "EUR",
                "generated_at": 1718402400,
                "is_gifted": false,
                "term_finalized": true,
                "channel": "web",
                "is_digital": true,
                "tax": 4592,
                "line_items": [
                        "id": "li_Azyk3ZUFiDMnb1zBR",
                        "date_from": 1718402400,
                        "date_to": 1720994400,
                        "unit_amount": 3280,
                        "quantity": 7,
                        "amount": 22960,
                        "pricing_model": "per_unit",
                        "is_taxed": true,
                        "tax_amount": 4592,
                        "tax_rate": 20,
                        "object": "line_item",
                        "subscription_id": "19876685602",
                        "customer_id": "9UNIKLARR",
                        "description": "Abonnement Tablettes Clé en main",
                        "entity_type": "plan",
                        "entity_id": "Abonnement-tablettes-tastycloud",
                        "discount_amount": 0,
                        "item_level_discount_amount": 0
                "taxes": [
                        "object": "tax",
                        "name": "VAT",
                        "description": "VAT @ 20 %",
                        "amount": 4592
                "line_item_taxes": [
                        "tax_name": "VAT",
                        "tax_rate": 20,
                        "tax_juris_type": "country",
                        "tax_juris_name": "France",
                        "tax_juris_code": "FR",
                        "object": "line_item_tax",
                        "line_item_id": "li_Azyk3ZUFiDMnb1zBR",
                        "tax_amount": 4592,
                        "is_partial_tax_applied": false,
                        "taxable_amount": 22960,
                        "is_non_compliance_tax": false
                "sub_total": 22960,
                "linked_payments": [
                        "txn_id": "txn_Azyk3ZUFiDMqv1zBc",
                        "applied_amount": 27552,
                        "applied_at": 1718402405,
                        "txn_status": "success",
                        "txn_date": 1718402405,
                        "txn_amount": 27552
                "applied_credits": [],
                "adjustment_credit_notes": [],
                "issued_credit_notes": [],
                "linked_orders": [],
                "dunning_attempts": [
                        "created_at": 1718402405,
                        "attempt": 0,
                        "dunning_type": "direct_debit",
                        "transaction_id": "txn_Azyk3ZUFiDMqv1zBc",
                        "txn_status": "success",
                        "txn_amount": 27552
                "billing_address": {
                    "first_name": "Sarah",
                    "last_name": "Bartolomei",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "company": "Groupe Uni-K",
                    "phone": "+33 6 82 73 64 39",
                    "line1": "6 rue du marché",
                    "city": "SARREGUEMINES",
                    "country": "FR",
                    "zip": "57200",
                    "validation_status": "not_validated",
                    "object": "billing_address"
                "shipping_address": {
                    "first_name": "Sarah",
                    "last_name": "Bartolomei",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "company": "Groupe Uni-K",
                    "phone": "+33 6 82 73 64 39",
                    "line1": "6 rue du marché",
                    "city": "SARREGUEMINES",
                    "country": "FR",
                    "zip": "57200",
                    "validation_status": "not_validated",
                    "object": "shipping_address"
                "notes": [
                        "note": "Escompte pour règlement anticipé de 0%\n<br />Pénalité en cas de retard de paiement: 10% du montant et 40 € \n<br />Indemnité forfaitaire pour frais de recouvrement (loi n° 2012-387 du 22 mars 2012 en vigueur depuis le 1er janvier 2013).\"\n<br /> <br />"
                "site_details_at_creation": {
                    "timezone": "Europe/Paris",
                    "organization_address": {
                        "organization_name": "Diginative",
                        "email": "[email protected]",
                        "line1": "63 Rue Vercingétorix",
                        "city": "Paris 14e",
                        "state": "France",
                        "country_code": "FR",
                        "zip": "75014",
                        "phone": "+33 1 88 33 91 97"

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