02-01-25, 01:11 AM
TastyCloud.fr Data Breach
More than 1,000 restaurants, bars, independent hotels and groups use TastyCloud digital menus to support their growth.
TastyCloud is a digital menu that increases the average ticket and renews the customer experience at the restaurant.
In December 2024, TastyCloud.fr suffered a data breach which led to the exposure of 3.7 Million lines of data.
Breached by @888
format: json
users: 52066
The Compromised Data Includes:
ID, First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Phone Number, Company Name and Invoices.
More than 1,000 restaurants, bars, independent hotels and groups use TastyCloud digital menus to support their growth.
TastyCloud is a digital menu that increases the average ticket and renews the customer experience at the restaurant.
In December 2024, TastyCloud.fr suffered a data breach which led to the exposure of 3.7 Million lines of data.
Breached by @888
format: json
users: 52066
The Compromised Data Includes:
ID, First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Phone Number, Company Name and Invoices.
"id": "9UNIKLARR",
"first_name": "Sarah",
"last_name": "Bartolomei",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "+33 6 82 73 64 39",
"company": "UNI-K LARROSOIR",
"invoices": [
"id": "202406-365",
"customer_id": "9UNIKLARR",
"subscription_id": "19876685602",
"recurring": true,
"status": "paid",
"price_type": "tax_exclusive",
"date": 1718402400,
"due_date": 1718402400,
"net_term_days": 0,
"exchange_rate": 1,
"total": 27552,
"amount_paid": 27552,
"amount_adjusted": 0,
"write_off_amount": 0,
"credits_applied": 0,
"amount_due": 0,
"paid_at": 1718663676,
"updated_at": 1718663676,
"resource_version": 1718663676644,
"deleted": false,
"object": "invoice",
"first_invoice": true,
"amount_to_collect": 0,
"round_off_amount": 0,
"new_sales_amount": 27552,
"has_advance_charges": false,
"currency_code": "EUR",
"base_currency_code": "EUR",
"generated_at": 1718402400,
"is_gifted": false,
"term_finalized": true,
"channel": "web",
"is_digital": true,
"tax": 4592,
"line_items": [
"id": "li_Azyk3ZUFiDMnb1zBR",
"date_from": 1718402400,
"date_to": 1720994400,
"unit_amount": 3280,
"quantity": 7,
"amount": 22960,
"pricing_model": "per_unit",
"is_taxed": true,
"tax_amount": 4592,
"tax_rate": 20,
"object": "line_item",
"subscription_id": "19876685602",
"customer_id": "9UNIKLARR",
"description": "Abonnement Tablettes Clé en main",
"entity_type": "plan",
"entity_id": "Abonnement-tablettes-tastycloud",
"discount_amount": 0,
"item_level_discount_amount": 0
"taxes": [
"object": "tax",
"name": "VAT",
"description": "VAT @ 20 %",
"amount": 4592
"line_item_taxes": [
"tax_name": "VAT",
"tax_rate": 20,
"tax_juris_type": "country",
"tax_juris_name": "France",
"tax_juris_code": "FR",
"object": "line_item_tax",
"line_item_id": "li_Azyk3ZUFiDMnb1zBR",
"tax_amount": 4592,
"is_partial_tax_applied": false,
"taxable_amount": 22960,
"is_non_compliance_tax": false
"sub_total": 22960,
"linked_payments": [
"txn_id": "txn_Azyk3ZUFiDMqv1zBc",
"applied_amount": 27552,
"applied_at": 1718402405,
"txn_status": "success",
"txn_date": 1718402405,
"txn_amount": 27552
"applied_credits": [],
"adjustment_credit_notes": [],
"issued_credit_notes": [],
"linked_orders": [],
"dunning_attempts": [
"created_at": 1718402405,
"attempt": 0,
"dunning_type": "direct_debit",
"transaction_id": "txn_Azyk3ZUFiDMqv1zBc",
"txn_status": "success",
"txn_amount": 27552
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Sarah",
"last_name": "Bartolomei",
"email": "[email protected]",
"company": "Groupe Uni-K",
"phone": "+33 6 82 73 64 39",
"line1": "6 rue du marché",
"country": "FR",
"zip": "57200",
"validation_status": "not_validated",
"object": "billing_address"
"shipping_address": {
"first_name": "Sarah",
"last_name": "Bartolomei",
"email": "[email protected]",
"company": "Groupe Uni-K",
"phone": "+33 6 82 73 64 39",
"line1": "6 rue du marché",
"country": "FR",
"zip": "57200",
"validation_status": "not_validated",
"object": "shipping_address"
"notes": [
"note": "Escompte pour règlement anticipé de 0%\n<br />Pénalité en cas de retard de paiement: 10% du montant et 40 € \n<br />Indemnité forfaitaire pour frais de recouvrement (loi n° 2012-387 du 22 mars 2012 en vigueur depuis le 1er janvier 2013).\"\n<br /> <br />"
"site_details_at_creation": {
"timezone": "Europe/Paris",
"organization_address": {
"organization_name": "Diginative",
"email": "[email protected]",
"line1": "63 Rue Vercingétorix",
"city": "Paris 14e",
"state": "France",
"country_code": "FR",
"zip": "75014",
"phone": "+33 1 88 33 91 97"